Location Status

Each Location displays the following information:

  • Hardware thumbnail - An image of the model of BrightSign player. If the paired hardware is a new or outdated hardware model, the BrightSign logo will appear instead.
  • Location - Indicates the user assigned name of the Location. You can name this to whatever you want.
  • System - Indicates the internal admin assigned name of the BrightSign player.
  • Model - Indicates the hardware model of the BrightSign player.
  • Serial - Indicates the serial number of the BrightSign player.
  • Time Zone - Indicates the admin assigned time zone of where the BrightSign player is located.
  • Firmware - Indicates the firmware version running on the BrightSign player.
  • OS Version - Indicates the LoopOS version currently running on the BrightSign Player.
  • Status - Indicates the network status of the BrightSign player: OFFLINE (red) or ONLINE (green).