Error Message - Network Error

A Network Error message appears when LoopOS cannot establish a connection to the DSID servers. This is caused by one of two things:

  1. No internet and/or local network connectivity.
  2. Network firewall preventing connection.

Check Connections

To resolve a connectivity issue, first determine whether your device is intended for a wired Ethernet connection or a wireless (WiFi) connection. By default, all hardware devices are intended for a wired connection. If you are intending to connect via WiFi, you should have already been in contact with DSID about this process. If not, please contact our Support team.

To make sure a wired connection is configured correctly, check that the Ethernet cable is securely connected to the back of the device and that there is a steady green and occasional orange light on the port.

Also be sure to check that the other end of the Ethernet cable connects to your network switch/router. Depending on how complex your network infrastructure is, you may need the assistance of your IT manager.

If your device is connected to your network but the Network Error persists, make sure your local internet service provider is operational. As LoopOS is a streaming platform, when a loss of internet occurs, the presentation will stop.

Check Firewall Settings

This issue usually only occurs the first time you launch LoopOS in your office. But if your IT settings change or you switch to a new IT company, this is also possible. See here for steps to resolve a firewall issue.